Poo Happens

Accepting reality for what it is

Poo happens. Man has been pooing since the beginning of human history. Your Mum poos. Your Dad definitely poos. Bloody hell even the Queen poos. Everybody, nay, everything that consumes to live, poos. It’s the tasty fact of life. Poo happens. Let’s not get bogged into the characteristic of poo just yet, for now, let us just accept the fact that poo happens; your poo happens. And it will happen many times if all is normal, until the ultimate final poo, which too will happen.

The quickest way of dealing with our lives and the events that make it up is to accept the honest reality of them, as they are. I repeat, accepting reality as it is, in its full honest rawness. As opposed to what we wish reality to be, or want reality to be. Reality is best dealt with the truth if you really would like growth, strength and progress for your personality. It’s the same way we deal with poo. Poo normally is earthy brown, pungent, mostly solid but soft and can be layered with liquid or its unique slime. Of all that goes in our mouth, the end result is poo. And we accept that about our bodies. It’s a reality that we know we will never get away from. So much so we develop all sorts of ways to deal with it.

It’s amazing the lengths that we have gone to in order to deal with this really dirty, smelly but honest and real part of our lives. The really interesting part is that we don’t deny it. We don’t resist it. We may complain about having bad poo moments but we don’t complain about the fact that we poo. It’s a reality that we have submitted to. Just take the concept of the modern toilet and the culture that goes around it. New wonderful technologies, luxurious furnishing and finishing, and new toilet accessories have all been developed and still being developed all so that we can deal with our poo. It’s as if, in our daily lives, we don’t focus on the pooing, but more on the solutions on dealing with the pooing. Now imagine we were to look at the rest of our lives in the same way.

The biggest of all the poos is a poo that we will never be able to tell anyone about. Some may come close experiencing this poo but if they can tell you about this close experience, know that it’s just that – close, but not the ultimate poo. This poo signals the finality and for many the beginning of something new. Yes, this poo is better known as death. Death is not a fun topic but it definitely an important one. As much as you may want to delay a poo, at some point you have to face the facts and go to the loo and deal with it. Death, conceptually, intellectually, and spiritually has to be addressed because it’s the most real poo you will have to face.

Death is an ending that is unavoidable. You now have the choice to ignore it or ask yourself, if death is to come, then what kind of life would I like to live? For some this question is answered by a belief of what is to come after death; an accountability to a higher being, judgement of how one lived prior to death which results in an afterlife in the best place ever, or the in the poo-est place ever, to put things mildly. If you don’t subscribe to this but to some other thought, such as reincarnation or nothing at all, in that one dies and decays and becomes soil with no afterlife whatsoever then you may need to find your answer to the initial question; what kind of life would you like to live? For the Afterlifers, and possibly the reincarnationers it’s about the ethics of life in two-fold – fulfilling the rights of the higher being and how one relates to everything else, humans, animals, environment and anything else. For the we-will-be-mud-and-dust-ers leading ethical lives is also as important except maybe that framework is different. For others, ethics may not be that important, but when we talk about living we cannot escape the fact that it means interacting with the people and the world around us, so whether we like it or not, one will have to grapple with ethics and rights. But once the poo of death is addressed, all other poos seem to pale in front of it.

Your Poo-spective

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How did it make you feel?

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The Immediate Flush

How do you accept reality for what it is?
How do you accept the existence of each and every problem that exists in your life?
Are you sure that they are actual problems?
Have you thought of solutions? If yes, have you acted on them? If no, what stops you?

Sometimes it takes more than water to deal with your issues.
Sometimes help is needed
And those who seek it are stronger
than those who don’t.
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